Faith & Student Life

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life

At the heart of Central Catholic High School is the spiritual life of the school. The students have numerous opportunities to participate in the Liturgy and Sacraments of the Church, including weekly and monthly Masses, regular access to the Sacrament of Confession, and Eucharistic Adoration every Friday. Students also engage in charitable works, including the Living the Faith Program and the March for Life in Washington DC. Through a commitment to service and faith, the school enriches its communal life, built authentically in Christ. Catholic devotions and pious works adorn the walls, halls and surroundings of the school to manifest the richness and beauty of our faith. Furthermore, heeding the call to a new evangelization, we celebrate feast days and periodic devotions with processions, particular prayers and special Masses Central Catholic High School works to inspire our entire community to seek all that is good, true, and beautiful - to seek a full and fulfilling education that will continually transform and renew all of us.

Faith Life Opportunities

  • March for Life

    Pro-Life March

    The Pro Life March pilgrimage allows students to voice their opinion by letting them March for Life. It is a great time for our students to support their faith by supporting  life.

House System


At Central Catholic High School, students will be welcomed into one of four multi-grade level Houses each led by a staff House Dean and student House Captains. Each House will have an identifiable name, color, and crest. Students in each House will also belong to a smaller group within the House, called a Community, which will be led by a staff Community Mentor. Community groups will meet daily. Nearly all activities and events will be run through the House System as Houses compete for the annual "Saints Cup."

House System Explained

Clubs & Extra Curriculars

Catholic Central has many active Student Clubs to choose from. Participating in a club helps build well rounded students, hones communication skills, and improves your ability work on a team

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Ambassadors Explain

Learn what student life is like at Central Catholic right from Student Ambassadors directly. Great videos to introduce you to the school.

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